Relax-Eze Powder by Dr.Christophers Original Formulas- A unigue whole herb formulation that promotes relaxation
- Body faces stressful demands each day, such as making ends meet, taking care of a family, a huge workload, rush hour traffic, etc
- As a result body may feel constantly under attack
- Bodys stress-response system will usually self-regulate
- But when stressful situations are too often present, it may leave you feeling tense, nervous, drained or on edge
- Long-term activation of stress-response system can disrupt almost all bodys processes and increase risk of numerous health problems
- Also available capsule and extract form
Dr. Christophers Relax-Eze Powder soothes the nervous system, helps calm nerves and supports restful sleep
Please Read Item Label and Packaging for Recent Product Information.
Please read all label information carefully on delivery and prior to use.
*Note: All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.